Ex 1.5, 4 - Chapter 1 Class 9 Number Systems - Part 2





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√(𝟗.𝟑) & √(𝟑.𝟓) on the Number line Represent √(𝟗.𝟑) on Number Line Proof OD = (9.3 + 1)/2 OB = (9.3 + 1)/2 − 1 = (9.3 − 1)/2 Now, OD2 = OB2 + BD2 Ex1.5, 4 Represent 9.3 on the number line. 1.Mark a line segment OB = 9.3 on number line. 2. Mark point C at a distance of 1 unit from B. 3. Find the mid-point of OC and mark it point D 4. Draw a semi-circle on OC while taking D as its centre. 5. Draw a perpendicular to line OC passing through point B. 6. Let it intersect the semi-circle at E. 7. Taking B as centre and BE as radius, draw an arc intersecting number line at F. 8. BF is 9.3 . 8. BF is 9.3 . 9. Draw a new number line of same size as that of previous. 10. Take compass, take B as pointed end and F as pencil end and draw an arc on the new number line. 11. Where the arc intersects say X. 12. OX = 9.3

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo